How to get A+ on qualsys SSL test

The default Arch Linux Apache "out of the box" scored A:
After simply following recommendation from httpd-ssl.conf file:

#  By the end of 2016, only TLSv1.2 ciphers should remain in use.
#  Older ciphers should be disallowed as soon as possible, while the
#  kRSA ciphers do not offer forward secrecy.  These changes inhibit
#  older clients (such as IE6 SP2 or IE8 on Windows XP, or other legacy
#  non-browser tooling) from successfully connecting.
#  To restrict mod_ssl to use only TLSv1.2 ciphers, and disable
#  those protocols which do not support forward secrecy, replace
#  the SSLCipherSuite and SSLProxyCipherSuite directives above with
#  the following two directives, as soon as practical.
SSLProxyCipherSuite HIGH:MEDIUM:!SSLv3:!kRSA

It turned to be... still A:

So how to get it to A+? Simply enable HSTS by adding this simple line to virtual SSL host definition (note, headers module must be enabled):

Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"

And the result is A+:


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